$727.00 USD

Every month

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Fast Track 1-on-1 Help While Learning Bubble.io

Gain subscription access to the following:

  1. Office Hours 1 hour Session per Week (8 x $150/hr = $1200 value)
  2. Prototyping with AI ($199 value)
  3. 7 Day Learn Bubble Challenge ($99 Value)
  4. UX/UI Designers Course for Bubble ($299 value)
  5. Bubble Fundamentals Course ($199 value) 
  6. Fitness App Course ($199 value)
  7. Dating App Course ($299 value)
  8. Animations Course ($99 value)
  9. Plugin Library ($199 value)
  10. API Example Library ($199 value)
  11. ChatGPT Chat Mini-Course ($99 value)
  12. Responsive Designs in Bubble ($149 value)

   Schedule your first call on the Office Hours scheduler here.